Sales Geek
East Lancashire
Sales Geek
East Lancashire
Sales Geek East Lancashire is a time on demand experienced sales director and mentoring service for businesses who are restricted in their hire for a full-time Sales Director, have a key project in mind with the focus of increasing profits and revenue, or just need someone experienced and skilled in your business focused on driving the sales for you and mentoring your team.
We are highly experienced across multi-level sales functions such as:
Resourceful by nature, our clients would describe us as a positive, honest, driven, ambitious, dynamic business professionals with a proven record. In fact, many clients have described our involvement in their business a pure sales therapy!
Our style is down-to-earth, straight talking, fun, diplomatic, hands-on, focused and exceptionally sales culture based. Typically, our clients enjoy a cathartic approach to our coaching and mentoring. Having the time to stop, learn, listen and embark on a behavioural sales change is a rewarding experience, resulting in a renewed laser focused mindset for your business.
Case Studies:
Northwest manufacturing & distribution company. Annual revenue of £6m prior to Sales Geek involvement. Q1 2022 enjoyed 3 months of consecutive 1m+ revenue. Forecast for 2022 is running at £12m+
Lead two start-up businesses in global distribution. Both businesses enjoyed growth of 0 to £1m+ per annum revenue within 36 months.
North American Healthcare distributor & manufacturer. New initiative for developing products through the ‘bright minds’ institution across leading education systems. Routes to market for new ideas, products and manufacturing on a global scale. 15 countries set up for sales and distribution within 36 months, leading to global revenue of $18m, including investment and equity for founders, leaders and contributors.
Identification of a new route to market for a South Korean Tech manufacturer. Lead the team in Seoul to establish global distribution network and fast track sales strategy. Captured 90% of the global market with increase in revenue of $3.5m, doubling the previous turnover.
North West Property Management Business. Ran a programme of improvement and development for 67 salespeople across the UK. One area of the business was swiftly identified to be fast tracked. 10 people assigned to the team with first 6 months growth of 320%.
Creating new revenue streams. Typically looking specifically into new market verticals or sales platforms. This could also involve setting up a new distribution network across your region and all business strategy that accompanies this, such as pricing mechanisms, new product propositions, sales targets, dealer commissions and growth/loyalty schemes.
Qualification Process, Client Matrix, Competitor understanding and analysis. Creating a real laser focus and understanding your key clients and key markets. Our proven success means conversion rates are likely to be four times higher than your current methods. Your business will have an exponentially greater chance of closing a deal with a new prospect due to our qualification and closing practice. Imagine you had a customised tool for your business to show you your dream client to reach out to, instead of wasting time cold calling and prospecting people who are not suited to your products or services.
Skills Gap analysis & Sales Training. A unique view and deep dive into the team who touch the customer journey in your business and how they are skilled in the foundational aspects of selling. Remember, it’s not just the salespeople who interact with your customers, it’s vital the whole team are assessed, upskilled and visible.
The Numbers – Pipeline, Forecasting, Targeting and Accountability. Creation and understanding of the companies’ sales numbers, aligning with P&L expectations, accurately forecasting and understanding the sales metrics and the sales pipeline. Does your team even know the difference between forecasting and targeting? How many different forecasting methods do you use? Our triple inclusion here makes forecasting fun, enlightening and very accurate. Turnover is vanity. Profit is sanity. Being confident with your cashflow by using robust forecasting methods can dramatically improve you and your business.
Prospecting, Buyer Profiling and Pitching. One of our favourites. Understanding different buyer types and how to appeal to each unique profile is a real skill. Influencing decision makers and applying the psychology of sales is a fun learning experience many of our clients find really rewarding. Pitching can be nerve wracking, but it doesn’t have to be. By having three key words in your mind prior to your pitch, you will soon find yourselves exceeding your expectations. Benefits, Needs & Payoff.
Understanding how to build value and return on Investment. There are many reasons why your clients might buy from you and many reasons why they won’t. A deep understanding of these reasons and how to leverage them will build value with your client will help you achieve your revenue goals. A successful value proposition that is understood by your teams and your customers will jet propel your revenue.
Nurture and build a winning Sales infrastructure. We really enjoy and thrive on the success in mentoring, developing and evolving sales teams. Focusing on exceptional team culture, good sales practice and best in class skills allows for a solid ethical process that is unrivalled in its delivery. Being involved in potential recruitment and interview processes with you and your business really focusses on building long term, sustainable first-class sales infrastructure for you and your business.
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