What is the Five Step Sales Process?

The 5 step sales process is a simple structure to make your sales much more efficient and ensure you’re securing deals. From getting in touch with new potential clients all the way through to confirming a deal, this process details the steps that you need to follow. This is a basis to make sure you are on the right track, although you may need to adapt it to fit more specific sales strategies. Read on for the five key steps that make up the sales process.

1. Approach the client

The first thing that you need to do before you can even start to think about sales is to approach the client. You need to build a relationship with them and ensure that they feel comfortable with you. When you get in touch, you need to introduce yourself succinctly and clearly, giving them your details and letting them know why you are contacting them. For example, you could remind them of how you met if it was at a conference or other business setting, or describe a mutual connection you share. This puts you both on the same page but also helps to make the client feel more at ease with you.

2. Discover client needs

Once you are in contact with the client, you need to know what they are looking for and what they can gain from the interaction. You need to ask the client questions and try to gain an understanding of the client’s wants and needs. Encourage them to do most of the talking while you focus on listening and understanding what they share. Through this questioning, you should try to establish what the client is looking for but also any objects that you may need to navigate, including budgets and any other objections they may raise.

3. Provide a solution

After establishing the needs of your client and understanding any objections they may have, you should be able to provide a solution that they are sure to be pleased with. Use the information you have gained, for example, play into any time pressures or specific needs they have. If they are looking for a quick solution, make sure to highlight how fast you can deliver this. Draw attention to how your fix can solve the client’s issue. However, you should always make sure to be realistic and honest about your product or service and how it can help the client.

4. Close the sale

The next step is to make the sale. This is the point at which you confirm the deal and ask the client for a commitment. This is when you are likely to face some resistance, especially when it comes to price. It is then that you especially need to draw on the information you have acquired and use this to apply pressure. Using this knowledge, you can highlight the ways in which your solution is the best option and justify any price or other objections. You should also be able to explain the reasons behind your decisions to a level that the client can understand and agree with.

5. Complete the sale and follow up

The last step to a sale is to complete the order and deliver the product. At this point, you need to make sure that the product is delivered as expected and that the client is happy with what they are receiving. You should ensure that you maintain contact with the client so that they feel supported and offer any answers to questions and queries. This is the best way to keep communication open and make sure there are still options for future sales or even referrals in some cases. This way you can continue to generate leads and further your sales.

If you are looking to develop your business and help it to grow through sales, make sure to get in touch with us at Sales Geek. Our friendly team is always on hand and can help you when it comes to professional training and more, so be sure to contact us to learn more about our services and training options.