Sales Geek
Bath & Swindon
Sales Geek Bath & Swindon provides part-time (also known as fractional) sales director support and world class sales training to businesses of all shapes and sizes located in Wiltshire and further afield.
We provide businesses with proven sales leadership, physically driving sales performance for you, in a way that represents a lower risk and cost than hiring full time.
Working across all sectors we focus solely on accelerating sales, bringing our expertise in all aspects of sales management, business development, sales training, business mentoring, profit delivery, sales strategy, and market development.
We are hands-on, truthful and are driven by a core value of integrity working as part of your management team to increase your growth through improved sales performance.
Your Sales Director:
Typically our “Your Sales Director” service works with you at a strategic level in your business to grow sales revenue.
We use a suite of diagnostic tools to get inside your business, understand your challenges and prepare a success path that’s tailored to your needs.
We will do a complete review of your business, look at your sales pipeline, your process, proposition and your people and together build out a plan to take your sales to where you want and help you to deliver it!
Creating new revenue streams – looking at new market verticals or sales platforms, this might also involve setting up a new distribution network across your region and everything that goes along with that such as pricing margins, new product propositions, sales targets, dealer commissions and growth/loyalty schemes.
Qualification Process, Client Matrix, Competitor understanding and analysis – this creates a real focus and understanding your key clients and key markets; we have had success in improving conversion rates by more than 4X. Imagine having a 90% chance of closing the deal with a new prospect because you had a solid qualification system in place. Imagine having a customised tool for your business to highlight your ideal client to focus on rather than ‘spraying and praying’.
Skills Gap analysis, Sales Training – a unique view and deep dive from the bottom up focusing on any shortfalls in your sales team highlighting common gaps such as objection handling, closing the deal, prospecting, negotiation, and networking.
Sales Numbers, Pipeline, Actuals & Forecast – creation and understanding of the companies’ sales numbers aligning with the P&L, accurate forecasting and understanding the sales numbers, the sales pipeline itself and how to fill any shortfalls ensuring profitability and healthy margins.
Prospecting, Buyer profiling and pitching – understanding different buyer types and how to appeal to each unique profile, how to influence decision makers and score highly on their buying matrix giving yourself a better chance of converting the sale.
Understanding how to build value and return on Investment – there are many reasons why someone might buy something and many reasons why we might make a sale or not. Further understanding these reasons and how to use them to build value with your client will help you grow your revenue.
Nurture and build a winning Sales infrastructure – we enjoy great success in mentoring, developing and evolving sales teams focusing on culture, good sales practice and best performing sales skills. We can help with recruitment and interviewing as well as assisting you in building a first-class sales infrastructure for your business.
Kav spent most of his 25 selling years helping global financial institutions solve challenges around customer relationship management, cyber security and data management. Outside of work, Kav spends most of his time outdoors, cycling and tending to the paddocks. He’s also a keen pilot. If the weather gods are smiling, you’ll find him flying to an airfield somewhere looking for the ultimate sausage and bacon sandwich. He also loves his music and he’s a wannabe drummer (definitely a work in progress).
His Geek value is ‘Getting s*it done’.
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