Sales Geek
North Lancashire
Your local Sales Geek service delivering Sales Training and Part Time Sales director services across North Lancashire and the Lake District.
Sales Geek Lancaster and South Lakes is a Part time sales director service for businesses who either can’t afford a sales director full time, have a specific project in mind with the focus of increasing sales and revenue or having someone experienced and skilled in your business physically driving the sales for you.
We are highly experienced across all Sales functions, Business Development and Commercial Operations with achievements increasing and exceeding sales profits, driving growth, team management, and market share.
Resourceful by nature our colleagues and references would describe us as a positive, honest, driven, ambitious, dynamic business professionals with a proven record.
Our management style is down-to-earth, naturally Promoting, diplomatic, hands-on, focused on added value, company culture, and ultimately results.
Local Success
Creating new revenue streams, this might be looking specifically into new market verticals or sales platforms, this might also be setting up a new distribution network across your region and everything that goes along with that such as pricing margins, new product propositions, sales targets, dealer commissions and growth/loyalty schemes.
Qualification Process, Client Matrix, Competitor understanding and analysis, this can create a real focus and understanding of your key clients and key markets, we have had success in improving conversion rates by more than 4 times over, imagine if you knew that you had a 90% chance of closing the deal with a new prospect because you had a solid qualification system in place. Imagine you had a customised tool for your business to show you your ideal client to Engauge with rather than the headache of cold calling with not many results.
Skills Gap Analysis, Sales Training A unique view and deep dive from the bottom up focusing on any shortfalls in your sales team highlighting common gaps such as objection handling, closing the deal, prospecting, negotiation, and networking. With a dedicated Sales Trainer we focus on adding to your teams Sales Skills enabling them to be more effective.
Sales Targets, Pipeline, Actuals, Forecast, Creation and understanding of the companies’ sales numbers align with P&L expectations accurately forecasting and understanding the sales figures, the sales pipeline, and the actual sales number and how to turn the dials to fill any sales shortfall making sure the company is profitable and has health margins.
Prospecting, Buyer profiling and pitching. One of my favourite subjects is understanding different buyer types and how to appeal to each unique profile, how to influence decision makers and score highly on their buying matrix giving yourself a high chance of converting the sale.
Understanding how to build value and return on Investment, there are many reasons why someone might buy something and many reasons why we might make a sale or not and further understanding these reasons and how to use them to build value with your client will help you grow your revenue
Nurture and build a winning Sales Team, on many occasions we have had great success in mentoring, developing and evolving sales teams focusing on culture, good sales practices and best-performing sales skills. We can get involved in the recruitment and interview process as well and really help you build a first-class sales Team for your business.
Enter your details in the form and we’ll be in touch to discuss your request, alternatively you can contact us directly via the contact details below.
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