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Sales Geek Launch Franchise Opportunities
The cat is finally out of the bag. We’ve been teasing it discreetly throughout September but we are proud to finally launch Sales Geek Franchises. Here’s Sales Geek Founder & CEO Richard Few
I started Sales Geek back in 2017 to offer Sales Director support to small businesses where previously they had always been priced out of the talent market by the big boys. Sales Geek’s “Your Sales Director” service has formed the backbone of our growth since then. So we know there is significant demand for top level sales advice from experienced leaders. Our team are currently working with clients in London, Aberdeen, Los Angeles and beyond. And there are so many businesses that need our help and for whom Sales Geek can provide a competitive advantage. So a Franchise model make sense to service that demand.
Our Strategic Director James Denny who heads up the Franchise scheme said:
This is the next generation of Sales Geek where we will, at last, be able to support small businesses up and down the UK and across the world with robust sales leadership and mentoring. But we aren’t looking for just anyone to own a Franchise. We need strong sales leaders, people with over 20 years experience of growing businesses. People exactly like Simon & Tony. In short we need Geeks, nothing more, nothing less!
Watch out Lancaster, South Lakes & Preston!

Simon Damp and Tony Capper are our first two franchisees.
We are delighted that Simon & Tony have signed on the dotted line to become our first two franchise owners. You may have seen them in last months Geek Gazette as we introduced them to the world. And they have both got off to an absolute flyer building up a healthy client portfolio already.
Tony Capper, excited to own his own slice geeky goodness, signed up on the spot the moment it was mentioned we were going to launch a franchise programme. Tony takes up Sales Geek, Lancaster and South Lakes, utilising his extensive knowledge in SAAS and sales and business leadership following a hugely successful career spanning over 20 years. From Business Development Director at BT, focussing on developing large, highly skilled sales and operations teams through to roles primarily in the digital and technology sectors, including senior sales leadership roles at Access Planit, MSG Global Solutions and Bluefin Solutions, Tony brings a wealth of experience with him to his already growing client base.
Simon Damp was next out of the blocks, seeing an opportunity to be master of his own destiny, rather than be holding to the whims of others. Simon will head up Sales Geek, Preston, bringing with him decades of experience in the FMCG industry, including nearly 12 years at Gorilla Glue, where Simon was managing director from 2012, remaining in the position until March 2019, during which time sales grew from £250k per year to £40m.
Lucy finds the man of her dreams!
You may have seen on social media recently that Lucy has been searching for a certain someone that ‘ticked so many boxes’ that we weren’t sure they existed. We needed a Jack of all trades and a MASTER of all of them! Well guess what? We found him:
Peter Mitchell : Business Operations Geek
Cosmopolitan Peter is bilingual after working for years in Karlsruhe near the French border. Beeindruckend! And we are lucky to have him as his transfer to New Zealand was kiboshed by Covid lockdowns! His role is wide ranging but can be distilled down to one phrase, he “herds Geek cats”, keeping Sales Geek running as smoothly as possible. His claim to fame? He has played in the BBC Youth Proms at The Royal Albert Hall!
Seven Deadly Sales Sins Destroying Your Pipeline!
A few good sales wins can hide a multitude of sins in your pipeline! We will help you through 7 of the most deadly this Halloween season!
Air Marketing Group CEO Owen Richards and Sales Geek Group Director of Sales Jonathan Finch get knee deep in Sales Sins and talk you through seven of the most deadly you may be committing and how they are crippling your sales pipeline and processes.
Sales Geek have formed a collaborative partnership with Exeter based outsourced sales specialist Air Marketing Group. .
They are the UK’s leading supplier of outsourced sales services, helping businesses to generate sales leads using proven telemarketing lead generation strategies.
The partnership agreement will see team Geek providing training to the Air sales team in return for Air providing lead generating telesales for us. Our intention is that we will act as structured referral partners to one another
LUST: Are you concentrating your energy on the RIGHT things
GLUTTONY: Are your lead acquisition costs bloated?
GREED: Or the unbalancing effect of “whales” in your pipeline!
SLOTH: Is your pipeline just drifting? Does it need a boost of energy?
WRATH: “Anger is a sign that something needs to change” But what?
ENVY: Do you spend too much time on the competition? It’s easily done.
PRIDE: The insanity of vanity numbers
Notes From A secret Geek…
It was only last month that we moved into our new offices and suffice to say everyone is loving the new space. We’d built up a connection with the previous place but 1 Cathedral Square clearly fits with our aspirations. Over the last week or so we’ve been having a bit of a friendly discussion in the office about what we should call our new offices. I argued that we can’t have a 5th floor bunker! We discussed whether we should rename as Geek Towers, but Chief Geek dug his heels in: “The Geek Bunker isn’t a place but a sensibility! How do you argue with that? But I think I’ve reached a compromise.
Welcome to the
The Sky Bunker reflects what we are about at Geek. Our bunker is akin to a ‘war-room’ reflecting our strategic approach to business. But it also shows we aren’t afraid to get down, dirty & grimy when it’s needed. For our clients, sometimes we need to park the strategy and go and help them fight their battles on the front lines so they live to fight another day! That’s the bunker mentality!
The SKY BUNKER is aspirational – it is for clear thinking and leadership – inspiration and the ability to see into the distance. What a great amalgamation of the Geek Spirit.
See you next month and in the meantime – STAY GEEKY!
An Ode To Duty…
“Serene will be our days and bright,
And happy will our nature be,
When love is an unerring light,
And joy its own security.”
Mike Ode is our Chief Professional Development Geek. Mike loves to talk; in fact rumour has it he can talk under water! Mike loves what he does and is passionate about training delivery – especially Leadership/Management Development,. He has worked with the likes of the NHS, BT, Bruntwood, Amey, DWF, Capita and Salford University.
HitTING you with our best shot
Think about SKILL vs WILL before you delegate | Categorising your team by LOW SKILL | HIGH SKILL | LOW WILL | HIGH WILL helps you get maximum returns from your team.
*Read William Wordsworth’s “Ode To Duty” here
Linkedin Corner
A few nuggets of Geek conversations on Linkedin this month and the questions they are asking?
Easy does it?
“Be easy to do business with”
Many of the most successful business on the planet are centred around convenience yet many SME’s business owners and sales people are focused on price and value.
Some businesses don’t realise how hard they have made them self to buy from…
See Richard’s Post in Full
Stop Chasing Your Arse!
As a leader, it’s so easy to get sucked into the day to day ‘doing’ rather than taking a step back & thinking. There’s lots of reasons for that; a lack of resources, poor management, which means the leader has to step in, or it could be control freakery…
See Mike’s Post In Full
Emotional Leadership
In a recent chat with a Director about training for their team, I suggested that they may also benefit personally from some executive coaching, to which they nearly spat their tea out mid-zoom! In my opinion, right now is exactly the time to find yourself a good Coach
See Sarah’s Post In Full
To Coin A Phrase
I was thinking about the phrases we use in sales that aren’t helpful: Trust me | To be honest | Sorry for bothering you | Just Following up | Do you want to buy this? | Contract… | We are better than… Are there any phrases you would add to the list?
See Simon’s Full Post
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