Sales Geek are growing

and changing as we grow.

Sales Geek is almost 5 years old. That has always been a key milestone in our heads ever since our birth in our Geeky back bedroom. We knew that a half of all businesses fail inside their first half-decade* and like everyone else we wanted to beat those odds. To randomly quote Barry Manilow – “It looks like we made it!”

We’re just a toddler still, but as all parents reading this will attest, they grow up so fast!

And we’ve done just that. Sometimes we have to pinch ourselves when we look how far we’ve come and how much we have grown. We’ve met so many great, influential people along the way (and a few ‘not so great’). We’ve worked with an ever growing list of fabulous clients, grown our Geeky tribe, been recognised with by our peers and in our community with awards and somewhere in the middle of all that, we’ve doubled our turnover year on year and are on course to do it again.

And while we aren’t ready yet to say we’ve: grown-up (who wants to do that?), we definitely feel it’s time to celebrate how far we’ve come.

We have so much excitement ahead.

This year will see us launch Sales Geek in the USA and Australia, as we continue to plant new Geeks in communities up and down the UK. Our app is being revamped and will continue to be free to the end user whilst adding layers of functionality to businesses that want to use it as part of their commitment to training their people. And coming this summer, our latest mega-project: The Sales Geek Training Experience

*The True Failure Rate of Small Businesses – Entrepreneur, Europe – Jan 3rd 2021

Launching the sales geek experience in summer 2022 - reinventing sales training

We recognise we’ve come so far and we’ve achieved more than we ever thought, but we keep striving forward
And so we want to recognise everything that has gone, respect everything that is to come and still stand proud and shout:

We are still Geeky.

We think our new branding does that. It’s loud and proud and hopeful. Our Geeky heritage is represented with the glasses which also more than hint at what it is that we do:
We help businesses grow.
Our font set is modern, bold and brave and complements our values of having fun whilst getting **it done
We hope you love it as much as we do.